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Day 7! Glutalicious!
Wow this week flew by! Today another SealFit WOD Baseline: 3 rounds of SealFit barbell complex - (6 of each movement without putting bar...

Day 6 - Hero WOD "Thompson"
Josie picked a SealFit WOD for today which also happened to be a Hero WOD. I had done this workout about 4 years ago. Honored to have...

Day 5 - "Thruster Heaven"
Day 5 is done! An epic day!! So, SealFit WODs have 3 parts - Baseline/Work Capacity/and Durability. So today's Baseline was to find a 5...

Day 1 of 114
I started my challenge today and boy was it a good one! 25:00 Lunge Test With 20# vest - lunge 400 meters. at 25:00 take the vest off and...

"The universe buries strange jewels within us all, and then stands back to see if we can find them. The hunt to uncover those jewels -...

Love Yourself More
It makes everything better. Let me ask you. If you loved yourself more - what would you think and do differently? What would you say to...

The Power of the Mind
It's worth it to learn how to gain control of your mind! "If the mind can heal the body, but the body cannot heal the mind, then the mind...

Thank you
Universe - thank you for illuminating my path so clearly, and for filling me with passion that pulls me gracefully and swiftly through my...

I decided to start a journey yesterday... ...because I was tired of reading in my infrequently written journal entries or hearing...

The journey of my healing from an eating disorder... (Part 5 - last part!)
The next step for me came after watching a TV program with Paul McKenna - (Freedom from Emotional Eating). He was suggesting, “All you...
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