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Day 1 of 114
I started my challenge today and boy was it a good one! 25:00 Lunge Test With 20# vest - lunge 400 meters. at 25:00 take the vest off and...

"The universe buries strange jewels within us all, and then stands back to see if we can find them. The hunt to uncover those jewels -...

The Power of the Mind
It's worth it to learn how to gain control of your mind! "If the mind can heal the body, but the body cannot heal the mind, then the mind...

☔️🌈🥰 "Storms don't come to teach us painful lessons, rather they were meant to wash us clean." Shannon L. Alder

Body, Mind, Spirit Connection
We just can no longer deny the Body, Mind, Spirit Connection and its role in our health. I just wanted to share a few parts of this book...

Let's talk about pain.... Pain is one of our GREATEST messengers... Physical pain, emotional pain, spiritual pain... all of it. There are...

But how do we listen? It is so simple and so hard. So obvious to begin and so elusive to maintain. In this lies the vitality of deep...

Breathe... 24.7
I LOVE this new shirt I got at Old Navy this weekend! BREATHE!! 24.7! I was just having a conversation with my son about how I use...

Little Victories
Those of you who know me well know that I have been working on my strength for the past year or more. My strength in the past has been...

Embrace the Struggle...
I had such an amazing workout last night! Was it amazing because I felt amazing and everything felt awesome? Ummm no… It was amazing...
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